CO2 Travel Footprint

To offset greenhouse gas emissions from air passages, hotel and car rentals, CO2 Travel Footprint app offers reforestation projects and carbon credits of environmental services, renewable energy and biofuel projects.

Carbon Credit - Renewable Energy

2 Small Hydro Power (SHP) "Changtan Hydro Power"

Small Hydropower (SHP) in Guizhou Province (China), with a total installed capacity of 5MW, using water resources of the river Shiqian to generate electricity with low emissions to the network of Southern China. Learn more at: Local: China

3 Wind Power Inner Mongolia Chifeng Dongshan Phase II 50MW

Wind Energy Project "Inner Mongolia Chifeng Dongshan Phase II 50MW" located in Danianzi, Songshan District, Chifeng city, involving 25 turbines, each with a nominal power of 2.000kW, providing a total capacity of 50MW. Located at longitude 117°56´ East and latitude 42°37´ North. Learn more at: Local: China

8 Diaobingshan Wind Power Station

Diaobingshan Wind Power station located in Liaoning Province, China. The Wind Power will avoid the annual emission of 107,541 tCO2e compared to electricity generation by fossil fuel thermal power stations. Learn more at: Local: China