CO2 Travel Footprint

To offset greenhouse gas emissions from air passages, hotel and car rentals, CO2 Travel Footprint app offers reforestation projects and carbon credits of environmental services, renewable energy and biofuel projects.


1 Riparian Reforestation at Jacaré-Guaçú watershed

Reforestation of the Atlantic forest species in legal reserve of the Jacaré-Guaçú watershed, located in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil. Geographic coordinates: AREA 1: SOUTH 21 º 57,919 '/ 913' / 903 '/ 909' 47 56 101 '/ 099' / 126 '/ 128' WEST Average altitude - 845 m. 2 AREA: SOUTH 21 º 57,889 '/ 889' / 878 '/ 864' W 47 ° 56,102 '/ 050' / 052 '/ 136' Local: Brazil: SOUTH - 21 57 919 '/ 913' / 903 '/ 909' WEST - 47 56 101 '/ 099' / 126 '/ 128' - 845 m AREA 2: SOUTH - 21 57 889 '/ 889' / 878 '/ 864' WEST - 47 56 102 '/ 050' / 052 '/ 136'

6 Monte Pascoal-Pau Brazil Reforestation (PES)

This action aims to reforest 4000 hectares with native species of the Atlantic Forest to create an ecological corridor linking two national parks Monte Pascoal and Pau Brazil, located in Bahia, Brazil. Geographic coordinates: Brazil, South 15 ° 27'54 and 39 ° 39'00 West Local: Brazil: 15 ° 27'54 "South and 39 ° 39'00" West